
You can participate in following categories

Group A

(Kindergarten – Below 1st Grade/Class)

Theme: From Farm to Table: The Wonderful World of Food

You can draw your favorite fruits and vegetables growing on a farm.
You can create a collage of different foods from around the world, like pizza, sushi, and tacos.

      Paper size: A3/Quarter Imperial (297mm x 420mm to 279mm X 420mm)          Materials to be used – Oil Pastels/Wax Crayons/Plastic Crayons

Group B

(Grade/Class 1st & 2nd)

Theme: Incredible Outer Space: Journey to the Stars and Beyond

You can draw a picture of planets, stars, and galaxies in outer space.
You can paint a scene of astronauts exploring the moon or Mars.
You can create your own alien creatures and spaceships for a futuristic space adventure.

      Paper size: A3/Quarter Imperial (297mm x 420mm to 279mm X 420mm)          Materials to be used – Oil Pastels/Wax Crayons/Plastic Crayons

Group C

(Grade/Class 3rd, 4th & 5th)

Theme: Dreamy Fairy Tales: Where Anything Is Possible

You can illustrate your favorite fairy tale with magical characters and settings.
You can paint a scene from a fairy tale where characters go on an adventure.
You can create your own fairy tale with a brave hero or heroine facing challenges and finding treasure.

      Paper size: A3/Quarter Imperial (297mm x 420mm to 279mm X 420mm)          Materials to be used – Oil Pastels/Wax Crayons/Plastic Crayons

Group D

(Grade/Class 6th to 8th)

Theme: Everyday Heroes: Superpowers of Kindness and Friendship

You can draw a picture of someone being kind or helping others.
You can paint a scene where friends work together to solve a problem or overcome a challenge.
You can create a comic strip featuring everyday heroes performing acts of kindness.

      Paper size: A3/Quarter Imperial (297mm x 420mm to 279mm X 420mm)          Materials to be used – Oil Pastels/Wax Crayons/Plastic Crayons

Group E

(Grade/Class 9th to 12th)

Theme: Let’s Travel Around the World: Exploring Different Cultures

You can draw famous landmarks from around the world, like the Eiffel Tower, Statue of Liberty, or Taj Mahal.
You can paint scenes from different countries with people wearing traditional clothing and celebrating festivals.
You can paint a scene from a happy memory, like a birthday party or family vacation to a special place.

      Paper size: A3/Quarter Imperial (297mm x 420mm to 279mm X 420mm) Materials to be used – Oil Pastels/Wax Crayons/Plastic Crayons

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